Saturday, June 13, 2020

Saudi Arabid Driving Ban Research Assignment Paper - 275 Words

Saudi Arabid Driving Ban Research Assignment Paper (Essay Sample) Content: Saudi Arabia Driving BanNameTutorCollegeSubjectDateSaudi Arabia is famously known for its oil products; probably the main exporter of petroleum products. As a matter of fact, it possesses 18% of worlds oil reserves. With the control of the worlds most valuable product, the country remains one the centre of attraction across the world. Every little drama is brought to light as a result. For instance, the world has painted the country the home of terror attacks and one that keenly observes the Muslim faith. In fact, religion is part and parcel of Saudi Arabian culture. The latest event about the ban on female drivers which led to two women being referred to terror court for driving in Saudi Arabia has attracted a lot attention from various stakeholders globally. Due to strict observance of religion, Saudi Arabia has recently banned all women from driving across the country. The ban has been received with a number of critics across the world, especially the non-Muslim cu ltures. The issue has seriously been criticized with activists across the world condemning the move as a move against womens rights and right to equality. I come from Saudi Arabia though have been living here in U.S. Like any other Muslim, I observe my culture and faith. Most people dont understand our culture and mistake our countrys laws for oppression for women and as laws that do not advocate for equality. However, the truth is different.The idea behind the ban on female drivers is mainly for protection. The Muslim culture protects the well fare of women at a higher degree than other cultures. The fact that a car can break at any time gives us the mandate to safe guard our women at those circumstances. Women are vulnerable to rape and such other risks such as traumatic stress in case of any misfortunes. However, Im still not happy about the detaining of the two female for defying ban simply because I think the way the case is handled is a bit harsh. According to CNN, it should b e noted that the women were referred...